My addiction...

Those who live with me, are friends with me, have to interact with me and pretty much everyone who has come into contact with me, knows I need one thing before I will be a nice... Strike that. Functioning and nice human being. And that one thing. Is coffee. 

Yes It's a problem. Yes I drink too much of it. Yes I probably could have overdosed from it by now but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Now let me tell you something about myself, it doesn't matter if it's three in the morning or eleven in the morning I have to get up don't expect me to do anything productive without my coffee. 

To emphasize the severity of this, I can't well I won't get dressed in the morning without having coffee first. There is no point in trying to. My roommates actually make fun of me for putting my coffee pot on to brew before I get in the shower. This was until they realized nothing will happen otherwise. If I get out of the shower and the coffee isn't ready yet. I will actually debate going back into bed until it is ready. 

The good thing is. Once I've had a cup if coffee. Nothing can get in my way. There is no point in trying to do anything before the coffee because it will take too long. And me on coffee, will be able to get it done much better. Yes it's an addiction, yes I go through withdrawal when I don't have it first thing in the morning. At this point, I'm twenty one fricken years old and ready to conquer the world so give me my damn coffee. 

Here's to praying that there is a god and he will give me with a man who will get up before me and bring a cup of coffee to my bedside every morning. 

Until next time... Xoxo J

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