library vs. dayarty....

Gettysburg college, where you go for the liberal arts but stay for the fatties. Now that it's spring out, I have no idea why professors think we'll be doing work in the library instead of dartying in the sunlight. Yeah yeah yeah were here for our education, but couldn't you argue that part of our education is socializing and figuring out how to make it in the real world?

So why on earth do my professors think it's a great idea to have a giant midterm and giant annotated bibliography due on Monday? I doubt they are inside slaving away over books, so why should we have to? Just to be clear, academics aren't my only commitment while at college. Hell, I'm an athlete, just because our seasons over and I'm retired, doesn't mean I don't have "aquatic" activities to tend to, we have a standard to live up to. Some of those activities may be making sure myself and others are hydrating properly at spring sporting events on Saturdays like the lacrosse and baseball games. 

Not only is it my duty as an athlete but also a family obligation to attend one game in particular. I have to go watch my little bro' steam get their asses handed to them by our lacrosse boys. What kind of sister would I be if I didn't? Realistically it's not my brothers fault they won't win, their goalie and defense just suck... How is he supposed to do his job if the ball never gets up the field? These sporting events don't end when the games over, I can't ditch out before the tailgate. At this point on same Saturday there's no hope in trying to get any work done so you might as well just keep having fun. 

I could go on forever about how I have things like eating, working out, showering, being social and so much more as to how academics aren't my life. After all does it really matter if I'm an uber book need if I have zero social skills? I think not. I'll just reiterate my point from my earlier post on Senioritis on how second semester senior year should just be pass fail. 

So what does one wear to the escapades of maybe attempting to do homework which most likely turns into dartyig. Anyway who would want to spend all day inside looking at a book when they could be enjoying life outside with friends...

What I'm wearing...

until next time... xoxo J

flashback friday take one...

As promised every Friday I will do a flashback from someones life. This week I am flashing back to when I was abroad. I studied abroad in Athens Greece but did many weekend trips. One of the weekend trips was to one of my favorite cities in the world, Paris. And let me tell you, we were taking selfies with the Eiffel Tower before the #selfie was cool.

the new flashback friday...

Starting with tomorrow I want to start posting a positive flashback. Tomorrow is the first one and I'm flashing back to when I took a selfie with the Eiffel Tower in Paris while I was abroad. After this one, I want to post a positive flashback from one of my followers lives to hi-light them. So please email me at! Send me any questions you have about this, if you wish to stay anonymous or not and send me your story as well as pictures to go along with it! XOXOXO

until next time... XOXOX J

Be silly, be fun, enjoy life even when it gives you lemons...

black on black on black...

Even though I am thrilled spring is finally here and it's time to break out the broters, whites and pastels. I'll always be a sucker for wearing black, it's my go to. In a too familiar routine manner before I go out, I'm tearing apart my room trying to find something to wear while complaining that I have "nothing to wear". I'll turn to my friends saying I have nothing to wear, before they can even respond the phrase "whatever I'll just wear all black" comes out of my mouth.

I'll continue to sift through my clothes trying on different things skirts, pants, shorts, tops, dresses, flats, wedges, boots. Amazingly with all the options I somehow seem to alway end up wearing something all too similar to what I wore the last time I went out. 

That similar outfit is usually dark or black jeans with a black funky tank, and combat boots, flats or heels. Fingers crossed to broadening my horizons soon. For now here are some photos

sick days...

There is nothing I hate more than being sick. I actually try my best not to get sick, I wash my sheets every week, Lysol wipe down my room once a week, eat healthy, exercise and take vitamins. Unfortunately, there is no fool-proof way to avoid getting sick. Sunday night I went to bed with a sore throat, I assumed I would feel better in the morning, but I was wrong. Monday, after I did my time at the gym, I went to the lovely health center. I excepted to walk away with some salt and Ibuprofen. 

30 day green smoothie challenge...

Starting April 1, my friend Mary that lives in Southern California will be doing a 30 day green smoothie challenge by Simple Green Smoothies. Since Mary is new to the SoCal lifestyle, she and her friends are all doing the cleanse. Once a week we will post on her progress and thoughts of the cleanse. First off this cleanse she is doing is not a diet, she is not replacing any of her meals with the smoothies.

The cleanse will help boost her energy, lose weight effortlessly and make healthy eating a lifestyle choice. Mary will use the smoothie as her breakfast or a pick-me-up snack at some point during the day. Each week she is emailed a shopping list of ingredients as well as recipes. The smoothies are not only supposed to be good for you, but also taste amazing! So far many of the other spinach based smoothies that are a part of this "fad" taste horrible, the goal of 30 Day Green Smoothie, is to make the fad a tasty part of your lifestyle. I am excited to get Mary's feedback on how she and her friends are doing on the challenge. I can not wait to hear about her favorite and least favorite smoothies. Week one's smoothie recipes are for: Simple Peach, Tropical Crush, Berry Cherry Jubilee, Orange Julius and Berry Protein Bash.

Sign up for the 30 day challenge by clicking Here. Follow them on Instagram @simplegreensmoothies 
If you have any comments or questions for Mary or I about her challenge comment below.

until next time... xoxo J

pretty hurts...

I know how typical this sounds that a pop star helped me through some rough times. But it's true, I've always admired Beyonce for her hard work, determination and how she presents herself. She's worked hard to get to where she is as well as hit some strokes of luck blah blah blah I could go on forever as to how amazing she is. 

sibling rivalry...

For anyone who was wondering, I am not an only child, I have two younger brothers. Like all siblings,  we are one of a kind and we do not always get along...

The picture above captures our three personalities perfectly. The two boys are giggling like they just did something, most likely the one in the plad was the mastermind and the one in the green is trying to keep it a secret. Brad could just as easily be trying to give Ryan a wedgie, who knows with them. Then I'm just in the middle talking someones ear off or telling someone my opinion on something. Overall we are five years apart, I am the oldest and almost 22. Then Brad in the plad is 19, finally there is not so little Ryan at 17.

All three of us are athletic, I'm the only swimmer, the both of them play soccer and lacrosse. Brad (in plad) is now a freshman at Muhlenberg College, and on the lacrosse team. What are the chances that two of us would end up in the same conference for sports? Let me tell you, those chances were very slim but somehow happened. Ryan (in green) is only a junior in high school, but has a lot of prospective colleges looking at him. All of those schools are division one so there is no worry about having the three of us in the same conference.

Like most siblings there are times we get along, like when we are trying to convince our parents that we absolutely need another dog. Then there are times, how do I say this, well times that world war three goes down in our house. The fact that all three of us are super competitive and want to win at literally everything, does not help.

There was one major benefit to Brad and I going to schools in the same conference. Once we put aside the battle over who went to the better school, which sports teams were better, we even argued over who went to the older school (yes we are insane), I got to see Brad play lacrosse this weekend at Gettysburg.

I was so excited, I thought it was going be be a great sunny day out where I could relax outside for a few hours, have some wine and watch a nice lacrosse game. I was sadly mistaken, it was pouring rain and freezing.  I had on my hunter rain boots, thick black pants, a long sleeved Lady Bullets shirt on, quarter snap white patagonia and a rain jacket. I didn't sit down the entire game because I did not want to sit on wet cold bleachers, and even if I did sit, my legs would get soaked. Instead I spent the entire game on my feet. I did get some cool pictures which I was happy about.

Overall the game sort of blew, Gettysburg crushed them by over ten goals... but Brad did score for his team. Standing in the rain was worth it to see my brother play well. After all, isn't family supposed to be a never-ending support system?

Here is a picture of the two of us after his game yesterday.

until next time... xoxo J