chicken road adventures...

As if driving for 13 hours wasn't enough of an adventure between the traffic and all... We had quite the expierence on Chicken Road. Now this road reminded me of the beginning of a horror movie. It was about one in the morning and the three of us are driving along a dark twisty long road. There was no one else on the road and the road was surrounded by cotton fields and the occasional trailer on the side of the road. 

Each time we drove by a trailer I would just blurt out something along the lines of "a serial killer def lives there, with all the blackness around there's ample opportunity for these twisted people." We continued driving along and were joking about how if a "cop" tried to pull us over we wouldn't stop because it would totally be a fake cop aka a serial killer trying to get us. Were driving along this sketchy road, past random gas stations that all seemed to be closed, the sketchy trailers with the blue glow of a television on somewhere inside and I just keep waiting for someone to pop out of the cotton fields and attack us. 

Out of no where we see blue lights whirling behind us. Erinn looks at me with a puzzled face and we just question if were actually being pulled over or not. We decided to pull onto the die of the road. Wrinn rolls down her window, gets her license out and asks me to pull the registration out of the glove box. As I'm pulling it out I hear a rapping on my window, right next to the cotton fields. I jumped maybe screamed a little and saw the cop outside of my window. 

Blah blah blah the cop is asking us where were going and what not. The next thing out of his mouth was him asking if we were in a sorority, like really man, this is part of your questioning for us? He proceeds to take her license go back to his car and he comes back to her car smiling. He just asked us if we had any explosives guns or alcohol in the car. I whip up my water bottle just saying it's water and Emma finally wakes from her slumber and tells the cop shes got laced chocolate milk with her. The cop just laughed and takes the milk sayig it was unacceptable that it was warm. He starts to tell her if she was being issues a ticket or not when I decide to stick my hand in his face and tell him that being pulled over on this road is my worst nightmare. 

He just laughed at me, handed Erinn back her license as I proceeded to tell him how I am terrified of this road because it reminds me of a murder movie/book. As he still was laughing he ends our encounter by saying something along the lines of: if your looking to get freaky just take a right and head under the bridge to find some drugs and goodies. 

Having that be one of the oddest expierence a of my life we continued along chicken road towards civilization... 

Hope everyone is looking forward to some more sassy stories from this week. 

until next time... xoxo J

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