the little things

Sometimes the best things in life, are the little things. Now, don't get me wrong, I love when some of the big things happen like getting a job, going on a trip, getting into college, and so many more. Unfortunately, the big things don't come around often enough for us to just sit around and wait for them. On a day to day basis, its the little things that get us smiling and through the day, after all sometimes those little things in life, add up too the big things.

casual fridays...

The idea for casual Fridays may have been started for the work world, but the idea has trickled down into college campuses. After a night out the last thing I want to do is get up early and workout. Even though I didn't feel like getting out of my warm bed, especially since I just changed the sheets and love nothing more than the feeling of fresh sheets. I slowly pulled myself out of bed and off to the gym I went. 

After the gym and a quick smoothie for lunch, it was about time I showered and got dressed for the rest of the day. Even though I do not have class on Fridays, and nothing important planned for the day I had a ton of work to do. I've been putting off doing my school work ever I signed my job contract and its about time I tackled the pile, so off to the library I went. I for some reason can never be productive when I am lounging around in sweats, and today was not a day I could afford to be unproductive. With that in mind I decided to go for a casual chic look.

If I had to get dressed to be productive, it might as well be cute. I decided since it was finally starting to get warmer out I'd go with some mint green jeans. Those went along a great cream colored peplum shirt, navy oversized sweater, Frye boots and gold jewelry.

fitness journey...

Senior year of college did not start off as nicely as I wanted it to. I fact I hated it at first. I came into senior year with a very unsettling feeling. I like the sense of control, and when I don't have it, I'm uncomfortable. I did not have control of how my year would be. Everyone says how amazing college is, and so far it's been pretty good. I came off of an amazing semester abroad that I will never forget, but how am I supposed to top that? But now what, what am I supposed to do when I graduate? Up until now, there has been a set path of life that I was supposed to take. Now I am at the unknown. 

wine wednesday...

Wednesday may be my favorite day of the week. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Wednesday is "Wine Wednesday". Its that time of the week, hump day which means time to sit back and congratulate yourself with getting through most of the week with a glass, or a few glasses, of wine.

springs hottest trends...

Now that spring is officially here, and just in time. Now that the weather is getting warmer, the sun is toasting our skin, it's time to break out the spring trends. Here is a look at my favorite trends for Spring 2014!

contrast collar...
This trend is great and very versatile. It can go from the office with a blazer or jacket over it, right into night with no jacket, pumps and different makeup. If you are not looking to splurge on the contrast collar there are many options for inexpensive pieces. With this look you can even take a statement necklace and pair it with a simple top to work the trend!