Gettysburg college, where you go for the liberal arts but stay for the fatties. Now that it's spring out, I have no idea why professors think we'll be doing work in the library instead of dartying in the sunlight. Yeah yeah yeah were here for our education, but couldn't you argue that part of our education is socializing and figuring out how to make it in the real world?
So why on earth do my professors think it's a great idea to have a giant midterm and giant annotated bibliography due on Monday? I doubt they are inside slaving away over books, so why should we have to? Just to be clear, academics aren't my only commitment while at college. Hell, I'm an athlete, just because our seasons over and I'm retired, doesn't mean I don't have "aquatic" activities to tend to, we have a standard to live up to. Some of those activities may be making sure myself and others are hydrating properly at spring sporting events on Saturdays like the lacrosse and baseball games.
Not only is it my duty as an athlete but also a family obligation to attend one game in particular. I have to go watch my little bro' steam get their asses handed to them by our lacrosse boys. What kind of sister would I be if I didn't? Realistically it's not my brothers fault they won't win, their goalie and defense just suck... How is he supposed to do his job if the ball never gets up the field? These sporting events don't end when the games over, I can't ditch out before the tailgate. At this point on same Saturday there's no hope in trying to get any work done so you might as well just keep having fun.
I could go on forever about how I have things like eating, working out, showering, being social and so much more as to how academics aren't my life. After all does it really matter if I'm an uber book need if I have zero social skills? I think not. I'll just reiterate my point from my earlier post on Senioritis on how second semester senior year should just be pass fail.
So what does one wear to the escapades of maybe attempting to do homework which most likely turns into dartyig. Anyway who would want to spend all day inside looking at a book when they could be enjoying life outside with friends...
What I'm wearing...
until next time... xoxo J